Mind Rehab is the process of removing negative, self-defeating, thoughts, actions, and emotions and replacing them with thoughts, actions, and emotions that are positive and true.
Determine what's not working anymore
Determine what's never worked for you
Identify what are your negative thoughts, actions, and feelings right now
Identify what you have never done or even tried to do
Establish a vision of what you REALLY want
Have the blueprint to rehab your mind
Remove the negative, self defeating thoughts, actions, and emotions that have been holding you back
Learn what's your false self and how to not be fooled by it
Discover what your negative thoughts, actions, and emotions came from and get rid of the source
Learn how to fix the "cracks" in your mental foundation
Discover the real "YOU"
Discover YOUR genius; your unique gifts, talents, and abilities
Rediscover what you love and are passionate about.
Find your purpose
Learn how to meditate
Learn how to take calculated risks
Learn how to make decisions and add new things to your life based on your gifts, passions, and purpose
How to maintain your rehabbed mind
Learn the power of community and relationships
Discover how to fulfill your unique place in the world
The Mind Rehab coaching course includes: (web conference/phone)
Six One - Hour Weekly Coaching Sessions
Free Mind Rehab T-Shirt
Mind Rehab Community Access
Weekly Emails
Rehabber "Tool Box"
Mind Rehab Coaching



